True Future Basketball Superstar

This quiz is basically finding out if you have basketball potential to play at the college and/or professional level. Of course this quiz is not a "fortune-teller" but it hits the target regarding your potential.

Do you think you are future basketball superstar material.. I'm gonna go ahead and tell u to be real and truthful with the questions don't lie and say you a "superstar" but u "ridin the bench".. See wat I'm sayin be real.. So take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Jay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your primary position?
  2. Who is the best player in the NBA?
  3. Which college do you want to go to?
  4. Best part of your game?
  5. Which NBA team would you play for?
  6. How old are you?
  7. What shoes do you play in?
  8. What is the first letter of your name?
  9. What's your game?
  10. Where do you rank?
  11. Which hand are you?
  12. What's your GPA?

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