your kotlc life (girl answers)

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If you're taking this quiz, you probably want to know what your life in Keepers of the Lost Cities would be like. The 6 options you can get from this Quiz are my OCs. Hope you enjoy!

I have to write 2 paragraphs for this thing, it's required, so I'll just spam my keyboard........... Okay, that was boring, so I'll just type until I get enough characters.

Created by: Edgedancer10
  1. Girls only beyond this point. Are you a girl? (doesn't effect answers)
  2. Okay, guys, get over here and ask the quiz takers your questions! Alden: if you were trapped with the Neverseen, what would you do?
  3. Okay, Keefe, stop making out with Sophie and get over here! Keefe: Who's your favorite character?
  4. Biana, you're up. Biana: who's your crush?
  5. Okay, Sophie, your turn. Sophie: what special ability do you have?
  6. Tam? Tam, stop sulking! Lihn, go get your brother. (Tam comes from the shadows) Tam: Fine, what's your favorite ship?
  7. Lihn, please ask your question. (Lihn is being shy in the corner) Lihn, don't be shy, everybody loves you, right guys?
  8. See, Lihn? Ask your question. Lihn: what's your favorite color?
  9. Marella, ask your question. Marella: Who would you date?
  10. All right, that's everyone, I think. Time for my question! Did you guys like this quiz? Please be honest. (effects answer)

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Quiz topic: My kotlc life (girl answers)
