Kothlc characters test

hi guys if you really like reading keepers of the lost cities this is the perfect quiz for you. If you also have read about up to 8.5 this is also a good quiz for you but keep in mind that whatever character you get, everybody will always like keefe

Things you like about keepers of the lost cities will be put into this test and I hope you have a fun time to find who’s your keep of the lost cities characters

Created by: Kothlcluver
  1. What’s your favorite place
  2. If Elwin gave u a bottle of yeti pee would u
  3. What is ur dream hair
  4. So who’s best with Sophie
  5. Toy names
  6. Dream home
  7. So if u think what’s ur fav line from kothlc
  8. Lest fav
  9. Which triplet
  10. Name
  11. Holiday
  12. Cutest couples

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