What female keeper of the lost cities character are you?

I hope you like this quiz about which female keeper of the lost cities character you are like. I enjoyed making it. This is the first quiz I’ve made. So enjoy :)

The portraits are by Laura Hollingsworth I found them on the internet. The characters are owned by Shannon Messenger from the keeper of the lost cities series. I do not own these characters or pictures.

Created by: Coco
  1. What is your favourite colour
  2. What is your favourite elvin food
  3. What is your ability/ favourite one
  4. What is your favourite Elvin animal
  5. Who is your best friend
  6. Who is your enemy
  7. What is your hair colour
  8. What is your favourite subject
  9. People describe you as…
  10. who is your favourite character?

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Quiz topic: What female keeper of the lost cities character am I?
