How much you know about Keeper of the lost cities!!

If you are a fan of Keeper of the Lost Cities then you would definitely pass this test or are you just bored and don't know what to do when you're in quarantine or not.

Everyone taking this test listen up, you are going to ace that test and if not, try again practice makes perfect. But if you don't want to try then that's fine. I understand. If you are a fan, this would be so much fun!

Created by: Hailey
  1. In the first book of Keeper of the lost cities, Where did Sophie's rescuer take them?
  2. In the second book of Keeper of the lost cities Sophie found a:
  3. In the 3rd book of Keeper of the lost cities Who was to assist Sophie to help heal Fintan??
  4. In the 4th book of Keeper of the lost cities, Who did Mr. Forkle reveal to be??
  5. In the 5th book of Keeper of the Lost Cities, Biana realizes that Juline is
  6. In Book 6 of Keeper of the Lost cities, Mr. Forkle had an:
  7. In Book 7 of Keeper of the Lost Cities who was the Tribunal for:
  8. In the 8th Book of Keeper of the Lost cities, who was Sophie's mom? (This might be a spoil elert if you have not read the 8th book. So go read it now!!)
  9. Are you a fan of Keeper of the lost cities??
  10. Did You enjoy this quiz??

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