Your group if you were in Kenichi the mightiest disciple

Ok the first Kenichi quiz and I'm gonna try to fill this with random words now.I πŸ˜… it for a while but I didn't want πŸ™ƒ to do this is so much fun and I just wanted you like

I'm gonna do it again and hope you like the quiz!I think it will be the first showings that I have ever seen in a faux and I personally put some funny 😁

Created by: Animales
  1. Whtas your favorite character?
  2. What's you favorite color
  3. Who do you think looks good
  4. Whyas your favorite bird
  5. What music do you like
  6. What do you want to get
  7. What the ....
  8. Rambam
  9. Just trying to fill don't have to answer.
  10. Ok what's your fav

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Quiz topic: My group if you were in Kenichi the mightiest disciple
