Your first Sims 4 packs combo

So I decided to create this test to help you to choose packs in the Sims 4 if you are planning to buy any, or you have them all and you need the test of a challenge, but yes, it's more fore those who has no Sims 4 packs

Each result contains one expansion pack plus one game pack plus one stuff pack. NOT all of the packs are included. I might create another test about other Sims 4 packs but I'm not promising

Created by: Axel18000
  1. City or countryside?
  2. Do you create non-adult characters often?
  3. Would you like to have werewolves in your game?
  4. Would you like to have mermaids in your game?
  5. Do you enjoy building?
  6. Are you ok, if "Cats and Dogs" is NOT on the list?
  7. Is it important to you to have your packs matching to each other perfectly?
  8. Would you like to build huge buildings?
  9. Do you like ghosts in the Sims 4?
  10. Did you enjoy this test ? ( Does not affect on the results)

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Quiz topic: My first Sims 4 packs combo
