Your type of Sims 4 player by choosing packs

Created for those who likes to play The Sims 4. It doesn't really matter if you have or don't have any of proposed packs. If you never had any pack and you don't really understand what are they about, please choose by your heart, or search online

ATTENTION, based on my personal impressions of videos I was watching on YouTube. I WILL try to adit this test later to make it more accurate, but it also might be abandoned forever

Created by: Axel18000
  1. First of all, how many Sims do you have in your average household?
  2. City living vs Cottage living vs Island living
  3. Now your LEAST favorite pack
  4. Now if you were able to choose only two packs to play with for the rest of your life...
  5. Werewolves vs Vampires vs Strangerville
  6. Dream home decorator vs Parenthood vs Jungle adventure
  7. Get famous vs Discover university vs Get to work
  8. Growing together vs Eco lifestyle
  9. But now, the perfect match of 3 packs you would never complain while playing with
  10. So before to say bye, did you enjoy the test ( does not affect on the results, of course)

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Quiz topic: My type of Sims 4 player by choosing packs
