Your favorite Tornado(s).

Welcome to my quiz, this quiz is going to primarily based off which tornado you like the most, not to be confused with which tornado you relate to the most.

You will be asked a series of about 10 questions, and will answer them based off your general preferences, answer honestly since a lot of these questions lead to hardline/radical effects.

Created by: yoursouthcarolinian
  1. What do you prefer between..?
  2. Do you like..
  3. Do you prefer..
  4. Fast or Slow?
  5. Fast or slow (2)?
  6. Sonic or Mario?
  7. Do your friends think you're fun, heroic, charming, and or brave? Yet also stubborn and nonchalant sometimes?
  8. Big or small?
  9. Calm or Violent?
  10. "pretty cool tornado" or "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!"

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Quiz topic: My favorite Tornado(s).
