your bungo stray dogs kin because i can

This is not always accurate so dont take these for granted. This is kind of a joke and im just sharing it with my friends but feel free to take the quiz ig LMAOAOAO

This is not always accurate so dont take these for granted. This is kind of a joke and im just sharing it with my friends but feel free to take the quiz ig LMAOAOA (just copy and paasted the first one)

Created by: alyssa
  1. which one of these is your favorite thing to do?
  2. Do you have trauma?
  3. how do you feel most of the time
  4. you fruity?
  5. pick a random color you like (will count for ur result)
  6. how do you say hi?
  7. what is your opinion on death
  8. Day or night?
  9. are you insecure
  10. last question because i’m REQUIRED (does not count for ur answer)

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Quiz topic: My bungo stray dogs kin because i can
