Your boyfriend from Banana Fish (demo version)

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This test will tell you who your boyfriend is from the anime Banana Fish) And you probably came here because of depression :( IMPORTANT: You don’t need to take this test seriously because I did it as a joke (a very bad joke).

VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT SLEEP IN THE LIBRARY AND IF YOU SEE A PERSON SLEEPING THERE, QUICKLY SAVE HIM! And this is also my first test on this site... And I apologize in advance for errors in the text... Thank you for your attention)

Created by: God hipper death
  1. Are you okay after watching Banana Fish?
  2. What qualities and character should your boyfriend have?
  3. You fell! What should he do?
  4. A child is crying on the bus. And your boyfriend...
  5. You came to the library. And your boyfriend...
  6. What does your boyfriend eat for breakfast? (well, at least something adequate... probably...?)
  7. This question will not affect the result in any way... How do you like the test? (*°▽°*) (I have a bad sense of humor and you realized this by answering the test questions... sorry)
  8. No! It turns out there are at least 10 questions needed here.... I'm so sorry( Click anywhere...
  9. Let's diversify the event! (just click on the smiley face)
  10. Ummm.... Well, you understand....

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Quiz topic: My boyfriend from Banana Fish (demo version)
