You will pee yourself

In this quiz i will try to make you pee you dont have to do any exercise just get up a couple times for water in some challenges have fun peeing! But seriously it so fun

Disclaimer: i am not responsible for wet pants you did this quiz i didnt make you also a fun sleepover activity if you ask me if you have a weak bladder then have a plastic cup or ziplock bag nearby to pee in

Created by: UrMom
  1. How di you feel now
  2. If your bladder is empty then get 2 glasses of water if it's halfway full get one cup and full get a half cup now wait 10 mins and how are you feeling
  3. Lay on your stomach and put your fist under your bladder for one minute
  4. Still havent peed a drop get 4 cups of water peed a little 2 cups going to pee in two seconds half cup
  5. Still havent peed? Nice lying if you are already soaked you can skip this but you have to get a cup of water if you didnt skip try to poop for 10 minutes like really push like your giving birth but dont pee
  6. How full is your bladder now?
  7. Your done! Tell me how you did here :) i peed myself when i tried this ;)
  8. Jk! 3 more cups of water and wait 15 mins :D
  9. Ok go pee and come back for more >:)
  10. I know you are empty now so time for 5 cups of water (if your stomach has the capacity if not do as much as possible)
  11. Last challenge! WARNING YOU WILL PEE THIS ROUNDFirst clear your mind of anything but pee next turn on water sounds for five minutes and lastly put your hands in warm water all at the same time and relax (PUT A TOWEL UNDER YOU CUZ YOU WILL PEE I HAVE TRIED SO HARD YOU ARE GOING TO PEE!!!)

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Quiz topic: You will pee myself

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