You think you know, but you have no idea!... or do you?!

Hiiiii! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you do well, this quiz has been used to test the smartest of all the smarties in the world. No,sseriously. It has been.

Ok, maybe I'm fudging facts just a little. But, anyway, thanks for hanging out! Now have some fun and test your knowledge. I'm pretty important after all.

Created by: Natalie Allred
  1. What's my middle name?
  2. How many brothers and sisters do I have?
  3. What is my favorite movie? **tricky**
  4. What am I afraid of?
  5. I love...
  6. I hate..
  7. What's my favorite band?
  8. My personality is:
  9. What color are my eyes?
  10. What's my favorite color?

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Quiz topic: You think you know, but you have no idea!... or do I?!