*A WHOLE NEW WORLD.....with him

Hiiiii there. If anyone is bothered reading this heare I go. Pls people comment if you like the quiz and recomend it to your friends. I hope you enjoy it have fun!!

This is the second paragraph! I have nothing to say so i'll just thank you all for taking this quiz and if it's because your bored I dont care! The fact that you are taking this is really nice. thanks thanks thanks!!!!!

Created by: Natasha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. SCHOOL---is ugh....FRIENDS---pretty cool....HOME---its okay....LIFE...average, average, average....
  2. You come home from school...Do your homework...Decide to meet your friends...But it rains. Your parents are out so your home alone-
  3. Your closed door falls to the floor. Some pyscho knocked it down. He is holding a shot gun and points it to your head...
  4. you hear the glass of your window shatter. "ohy put that gun down." you're to petrified to turn around but his accent told you he was English. "Back off Alistair or her pretty face gets it!" hisses the thug. (you are un able to react to react to anything.) Then another guy sneeks up behind the thug and he gestured for you to stay quiet. You stutter and the bad guy tells you to shut up.
  5. A few seconds later your surrounded by a blue glowing dome thats appers to be a force-field. Finnaly you pull yourself together then the thug startes shooting the field. Shocked you step backwards and Alistair gets shot at (you're very ahh.) But the bullet didnt even hurt him. It was like an alastic band hit solid steel. The bullet just bounced off.
  6. The thug gets boxed by the man behind him and he is knocked out cold. "Well he isn't dead.To bad I guess we better get a move on." Alistair was as healthy as a horse. "Lets get going." whispers the guy standing over the body. "I'm not going any where with you." you disagreed. "Alright then you can stay with him!" Exclaimed Alistair. You turn to look at the other guy who was over the body but he vanished.
  7. "Where are we going and what happened to that guy." He takes your hand and pulls you closer. "Isaac is running home. He's probably already there" You give him a weird look. "Why doesnt he ride with us.And I think he just left how are you so sure?" you asked."super speed sweet heart. And were not riding in a car. I would love to tell you the story of our livesbut we must get going." The thug groaned and you shut your eyes. (anxiety.) Once you opened them again you wernt in your room any more. You're in a dining room that's not in your house.
  8. "Where am I how did you do that and, and what?" Alistair smirks and sits you down. "Listen you need to sit down." You fidgit. "I'm Alistair, thats Babette, Benjamin and Isaac."...Who grabs your attension.
  9. "Look sweet heart we are all super natural beings, and you are to. That man wanted you to come with him because he wants your gifts." (you burst out laughing.) "wait the only gift I have is blowing into a recorder without hurting anyones ears." You look around the room to see everyone looking serious. "Oh your serious..."
  10. "I sugest Babette should proove that we aren't insane." Isaac stepped forward and gestured toward Babette. "Right, the wings or electricity." Babette stood up. "The wings'll freak her out." Benjamin finally spoke. "Alriight then." Babette rubbed his hands together a jolt of electricity coming from his hands knocked down the lamp. "watch it ya bafoon. Alright so I can regenerate my body and Isaac can create force-fields.
  11. You felt a frosy hand resting on your shoulder. After turning around you see Isaac's face up close "We apologize for springing this up. You see we observed you to make sure you have gifts like us and you show the symptoms." "Come on Isaac you make it sound like a desiese." Alastair kidded. "Maybe this is a messed up dream." you whispered. "I'm afraid it is not. It's Just a hard life we deal with." He brushed the loose strands of hair off your face and stepped back into the shodows of the room. "I can proove it isn't a dream." Alistair bent down and kissed you. (it feels real enough.) "Damn I love America." he exclaimed. "Well err whats my power?" you look around and everyone glares at Alistair. "What, Did you want me to slap her?" Alistair jokes again. "Thats my job to find out what your powers are." Benjamin came closer to you and helped you up. "we are going to spend alot of time together." Benjamin said "Tell her." Babette says in a deep voice. "Tell me what. I'm already stressed what is it?." "We all love you" murmured Isaac...

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