You Probably Can't Score 100%

How many skilled people are there in the world at just guessing answers???? Probably only about 5% of the world. To have skills to guess something correctly you have to have luck and you have to make smart choices.

Do you think you are smarter or luckier when it comes to guessing answers??? Only some people are truly skilled at guessing! Take this test and find out if you are one of those few skilled people.

Created by: Riley_the_unicorn
  1. Choose a Number
  2. Choose a colour
  3. Choose a Chocolate (sorry, im so random)
  4. Choose a holiday (again, random thanks for sticking with me for this long though)
  5. Choose a gender (only 15 more questions)
  6. Choose an animal
  7. Choose a word to describe me
  8. Choose a movie
  9. Choose a TV show
  10. Choose a peice of clothing
  11. Choose a banana (?????)
  12. Choose a character from The Lion King
  13. Choose an iPad app
  14. Choose a mythical creature
  15. Choose a coffee shop (thing)
  16. Did you like my quiz???

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