Do you know me?

Do you Guys and girls think you know me? Then take this quiz to see if you know me. If you score low don't worry just keep trying. Plus also have fun and don't kill yourself over these questions

Are you a genius? do you think you'll score high on this quiz? only time will tell to see if you know me or you don't know me. Well good luck and i hope you score high

Created by: James

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. whats my favorite movie?
  2. How many Gaming systems do i have?
  3. How many playstation games do i have?
  4. when is my birthday?
  5. Whats my favorite car?
  6. Who is my favorite wrestler?
  7. How many hats do i own?
  8. whats my favorite video game?
  9. What college do i want to go to?
  10. Who is my favorite comedian?
  11. What team do i hate the most?
  12. Whos my favorite Pitcher?
  13. Whos my favorite catcher?
  14. Who's my favorite outfielder?
  15. Who's my favorite quarterback?
  16. Whos my favorite runningback?
  17. Where was i born?
  18. Whats my Favorite football team?
  19. Whats my second favorite football team?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?