You know You're Jamaican when...

Many people have visited Jamaica, but do they really know that much? Are you a true Jamaican? Or just secretly want to be? Let's test your skills on how much you know!

So you weren't sure if you could keep up with those Jamaicans. We are a quick set of folk, and can run like hell, so you're gonna have to be quick. Take the quiz and see if you're as quick as you think!

Created by: RachaelLea
  1. What is Jamaica's national fruit?
  2. What is the statement on Jamaica's coat of arms?
  3. How many children did Bob Marley have?
  4. How many books from Ian Fleming was written in Jamaica? (James Bond)
  5. Which one of these things are NOT one of the major trade industries in Jamaica?
  6. Finish this song lyric "Is a long time gyal mi neva see yu, come mek me __________?
  7. Who is Miss Lou?
  8. When you come back from Jamaica (all the non jamaican people that is) what should you NOT say to a Jamaican?
  9. What meal should you never buy from a Jamaican?
  10. What is a "rent a dread"?

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