Jamaica Quizzes
How much do you know about the island of Jamaica, its history and distinct culture? In this category we will continue adding Jamaica quizzes.
Our Jamaica Quizzes
- How much do you know about Jamaica?[by: doodle, rated: 4.67rated: 4.67/5, published: May 26, 2016]
Jamaica, one of the jewels of the Caribbean. We all think that we know everything about Jamaica, but the reality is there are several of us do not know…
- You know You're Jamaican when...[by: RachaelLea, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Jan 21, 2013]
Many people have visited Jamaica, but do they really know that much? Are you a true Jamaican? Or just secretly want to be? Let's test your skills on how much…
- How Jamaican are you?[by: dj, rated: 3.24rated: 3.24/5, published: Jan 22, 2007]
Hey, are you Jamaican? Can you prove it? Try to pass the test...
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