You Know You Love Michelle!

Out of sheer boredom and constantly sky-rocketing self-esteem, Michelle wants to know how well you know her. And if you don't, or not very well..then go ahead and take it anyway. It's good for a few laughs, at least.

...and if you suck, then Michelle will be sure and let you know during the end results. You DO want cookies, don't you? ......then DO WELL!! ..or die trying...yeeeeeaaah boyyyy..

Created by: Michelle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. We'll start with an easy one. What is Michelle's favorite tv show?
  2. Where does Michelle work?
  3. Who is Michelle currently obsessed with?
  4. What is Michelle's all-time favorite book?
  5. Why does Michelle think "Beaver" is a funny place to live?
  6. What's Michelle doing these days?
  7. Does Michelle name inanimate objects, such as vaccuum cleaners?
  8. What's Michelle and Justin's puppy's name and what breed is it?
  9. What is Michelle's Happy?
  10. Why does Michelle rule so hard?

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