Michael and Michelle Quiz

Some people may think they know Michael and Michelle, but how well do YOU know us? Take our quiz and find out. It'll be fun, I promise :) (*disclaimer: it may not be fun, but pretend like it is)

"What's more fun than taking a quiz?" Nothing, when it's a quiz about Michael and Michelle. Take our quiz and find out all about us :) It'll be fun.

Created by: Michelle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How did Michael and Michelle meet?
  2. When did Michael and Michelle meet?
  3. Michael lived in another state when they first met. Where did he live?
  4. Where did Michael and Michelle go for their first date?
  5. Michael and Michelle have a little black cat. What is the cat's name?
  6. In January 2007, Spooky got a sister! What's the name of our black lab mix puppy?
  7. Where do Michael and Michelle currently live?
  8. What does Michelle want Michael to wear at their wedding?
  9. What is the main color Michael and Michelle have decided upon for their wedding colors?
  10. The wedding will be in which year?

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