You a pro at roblox phantom forces

Wondered how good you was at pf/phantom forces roblox well here is the quiz for that are you good a roblox phantom forces take the quiz and find out what or how good you are at pf/phantom forces

So idk how to work this is my first time making a quiz sorry for some mistakes so your results below it i will put them here0-17% bruh you are REALLY NOT GOOD you can't hit your shot you get killed every time so just gtfo and just DO SOMETHING ELSE17-33% simlar to ither result but your good enough that you get a kd above 1 so keep trying 33-50% your getting there you getting kinda good but your get kds of 4-8 maybe so keep going50-67% Your almost a pro but not quite so keep moving67-83% Your good at the game your rank is probably around 100-200 so keep getting better and game on and get a good 90 kill game maybe83-100%% YOU ARE A GOD YOU KILLED PEOPLE LIKE THERE NOTHING AND YOUR RECORD IS PROBABLY 100+ KILLS SO KEEP ON DESTROYING VERY GOOD PLAYERS EVEN THE BEST OF THE BESTmade:08/25/2020

Created by: MistakenElf
  1. Do you like any of these high recoil weapons
  2. Playstyle
  3. Rank
  4. Playing type
  5. Favorite gun
  6. What is your average amounts of kills
  7. Are you accurate at longer ranges
  8. Close range or long range
  9. Do you like high magazine capacity weapons
  10. Setup type
  11. Thoughts on KAC SRR
  12. Was is your kd on average
  13. You know the meme lmg thoughts on it
  14. Time for you to be jugded are you ready
  15. Are you ready
  16. Wait i forgot one more do you know these mechanics

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