Yes? I don't know heeeeelp meeeeeee!

Welcome to my quiz this because I will test you on different things that you enjoy and like. Come on let's do this! You will do great don't be scared this quiz is only for fun !

Dont worry if you don't enjoy my quiz not everybody the same taste in things and yeah so have a go! Only for fun take it on and have a go have some fun. You will not be judged!

Created by: Hannah - Ellen
  1. Do you like dance?
  2. Do you watch YouTube?
  3. Do you take forever at the toilet?
  4. Do you like TY beanie boos?
  5. Do you like squishes ?
  6. Do you like slime?
  7. Do you like KFC?
  8. Do you like McDonalds ?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Do you like fortnite?

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