Ya like Weirdcore?

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Yeah so uhm this is basically a joke quiz lol it barely asks any questions about weirdcore and uhm ya like the image it’s my favorite loo and idk what else to say

So uhm yeah idk how I’m supposed to fill up this thing but anyway uhm yeah my brother ran away two days ago he walked home and uh he’s not even allowed to smile around my dad anymore

Created by: TeaCup
  1. Okay but DO YOU like weirdcore?
  2. Okay that’s all i needed to know
  3. Okay ya like the 2000’s?
  4. Hmmmm okay so do you like weird things
  5. 5 more questions
  6. Uhm dude I don’t mean to bother you but there are some entities outside
  7. So do you have siblings (one of mine ran away once)
  8. Uhm so you have twitter
  9. 1 more question
  10. DONE

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