What is Your Stroke??

You may be a swimmer but do you know what your best stroke is??? This quiz will tell you what your best stroke is by simply asnswering a few questions. Who knows, maybe after you take this test you will have a clear picture of what your stroke is so you can tell everyone that you are a breastroker etc.

Which set would you rather do?

Created by: jessica of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. wut is yur favorite turn?
  2. how do u prefer 2 start?
  3. do u like holding yur breath?
  4. how do u feel about pullouts?
  5. would u rather look at the bottom of the pool or @ the sky?
  6. do u prefer distance or speed?
  7. wut does yur favorite kick look like?
  8. do u like for people 2 cheer for u?
  9. how do u walk?
  10. which set would u rather do?

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Quiz topic: What is my Stroke??