Write a letter to Lunar!

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Have you ever wanted to write a letter to Lunar? Well now you can! Super simple and super easy, you'll have fun putting together a letter for him and choosing how you send it!

After you send your letter, you'll get a letter back from Lunar! Will he want to be friends? Or will he hate you forever? OR will he think you're crazy? Make sure to be honest to get the most accurate result!

Created by: WOlfythePUPPUP
  1. Okay what kind of paper do you use?
  2. What do you write with?
  3. How do you begin?
  4. Which sentence do you put in your letter?
  5. What is your letter mostly about?
  6. Pick another sentence to put in your message!
  7. How do you finish your letter?
  8. How do you give your letter to Lunar?
  9. Now we wait(the rest of the questions wont affect your score)
  10. Oh! There's a letter! For Y/N!

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