Which Avenger would adopt you?

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Hello! Some people were captured by HYDRA. While saving everyone, The Avengers find a kid. You. They decide to take you back to their compound for questioning.

After questioning, The Avengers debate on who will take you in! Find out by doing this awesome quiz! Have fun and check out my other quizzes, Which Avenger are you, Send a letter to Scarlet WoF, Send a letter to Qibli WoF, How well do you know Black Widow, and Which Dragonet of Destiny are you!!!

Created by: LilyDragonPop
  1. The Avengers break into the base and save you. Now you are at the Avengers Compound. The first question is asked by Steve Rogers or Captain America. How did you get to the HYDRA base?
  2. After finding out how you got to the HYDRA base, The Avengers find out you have certain abilities. What are they?
  3. Then, Tony or Iron Man asks the most unrelated question ever. Who is your favorite avenger?
  4. Natasha or Black Widow glares at Tony and asks the next question. Do you know why HYDRA did experiments on you?
  5. Then, Tony asks another question. How old are you and what's your name?
  6. Peter Quill or Star Lord then asks another unrelated question. What's your favorite type of music?
  7. Gamora then smacks Peter in the face. Wanda or Scarlet Witch ignores that and asks another question. Do you have any family?
  8. Feeling bad for you, Carol or Captain Marvel asks the final question. Do you want to stay here for the night?
  9. You get into a room with a comfy bed and a change of clothes available. You are finally able to take a shower. Afterwards you go to bed and are able to fall asleep easily. But scary nightmares come quickly. You want comfort. Who's room do you go to?
  10. In the morning, you go downstairs. Wanda and Drax are in the kitchen. Wanda offers you a bagel and Drax offers you a zarg nut. Which do you choose?
  11. Later, The Avengers want to go out and do something but they can't decide what. So they ask you. What do you want to do?
  12. After having pizza for dinner, the Avengers want to watch a movie. What do you choose?
  13. The next day, you decide you want to be an Avenger. You ask Steve and he says you can train but no promises on becoming an Avenger. What will you train?
  14. Then a few hours later, the compound is attacked. How do you react?
  15. After the attack, the Avengers decide to take you in. Who will choose you? Are you ready to find out?

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