Which Avenger are you?

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Hello! If you want to know what Avenger you are, do this quiz! Are you sassy Natasha? Skilled Clint? Genius Tony? Teenage Peter? Serious Steve? Alien Thor? Angry Bruce? Surgically made Vision? Or orphaned Wanda? Find out!

I'm Black Widow. I LOVE BLACK WIDOW! Pretty much every single quiz I've taken on this, I've been Black Widow. One time I was Hulk and I have no idea where that came from. Anyways, enjoy my quiz!

Created by: LilyDragonPop
  1. Who would you like to be?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. What weapons do you prefer?
  4. What is your specialty?
  5. How do you react if someone threatens you?
  6. What would you prefer your past be like?
  7. Would you sacrifice your life for your family?
  8. If you were to die, how would you want it to be like?
  9. Do you want your own movie or show?
  10. Would you be a good technology hacker?

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Quiz topic: Which Avenger am I?
