Would Your Dog Do Good In Dog Agility? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Your dog would do great!

    What defines a good agility dog is intelligance, quick thinking, swiftness and good decision making. A dog has to really enjoy challenging themselves to work good in Agility. And your dog is all of these things! You don't have to be rich to begin, just set up a couple of lawn chairs for jumps and whatever safe things you have at hand. Remember dogs who are active in any sport live longer and have less health problems in their older years. Good luck with you and your pup!

    This is soooo true. One of my dogs, Bama, is a germanshepherd mix and she's constantly outside. She will be running along my fence and would jump like a deer when she runs so she could see over the fence. If I were to take her on a 2 mile run, she would still be able to go run around. She is very athletic and skinny. And since she's really good at jumping, I put my hammock on it's side so she could jump over t. I can have her sitting on one side and tell her to jump over to the next and she wouldn't even need a running start. She could just spring over it. Awesome quiz btw :D.

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  • You're dog would do great!

    Unless he doesn't get distracted! Cats, rabbits, bikers. But otherwise I can sprint with him for hours everyday, and he loves jumping. He's always trying to please whoever is working with him and I'd love to start him on an agility course.

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  • My dog would do great! thank you! my dad is goona help me build a course in the yard next month! can't wait :)

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