Would you survive the Hunger Games????

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Hello! I am A hunger Games fan and if you are taking this quiz than I think you are too. this quiz will determine if you would have survived the Hunger Games.

I hope you get the answer that you want. And if you don't then feel free to take it again. Hope you enjoy it!! PS. I think we all would survive in real life. :)

Created by: Cora
  1. What is your best trait?
  2. would you make allies with the careers?
  3. would you make allies with any one, and If you do how many people?
  4. how many friends do you have?
  5. what do you do when you see your ex-bestie?
  6. do you like animals?
  7. what district are you from?
  8. team Gale or team Peeta
  9. would you run or fight?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Will you rate this quiz?

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