Would you survive the hunger games?

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This will prove that in the hunger games you will survive or die if you would survive you can brag to your friends that you would survive the hunger games! If not then that's too bad.

this is my first quiz so I hope you enjoy I'm also not experienced with the series "The hunger games" so please no nitpicking. I might make up some things.

Created by: BreeQueen
  1. Your sibling gets chosen for the hunger games you
  2. You are faced with a choice you can either
  3. Your surviving good enough and are faced with a challenge of finding food, but if you leave you may get shot you can either
  4. You get to choose a weapon you choose
  5. You are saved by a man you
  6. You are able to find a way to break the dome you
  7. You see a career, you try to
  8. People are shooting at you, you
  9. You have a choice to save 3 people or kill 6 you,
  10. You can either

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