Would you survive the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was a horrible time. Millions of innocents were killed. Do YOU have what it takes to survive? If you say you do, is that the truth? Well, you will only see here, so, GO ON AND TAKE IT!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!

Find out here! I wish you the best of luck. DON'T DIE!!!! I hope you will tell the truth to get an accurate result. Thanks! DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!DON'T DIE!!!!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you in good health?
  2. Are you prone to sickness?
  3. Are you a rebel?
  4. Are you Jewish?
  5. Are you Romanian?
  6. Are you Polish?
  7. Are you okay with torture?
  8. Are you okay with starving?
  9. Are you known to speak up against unfair things?
  10. Is your family loud and obnoxious?

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