Would you survive the holocaust?

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The holocaust was a horrible time. Many people died in concentration camps put up by the German Nazis. Nobody was proud of this dark time in the world's history.

Would you survive? You must gather you wits around you if you plan to come out of the concentration camps ALIVE!! This quiz will measure your brains, cunning, and a little of your brawn.

Created by: carperrk
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you argue a lot?
  2. Are you normally healthy?
  3. If you chose No or Sometimes I'm okay in the previous question, are your illnesses big enough to send you to the hospital?
  4. Are you physically fit?
  5. Would you be willing to stand up against the government publiclly for a cause that you truly believe in?
  6. Is anyone in your family blood line Jewish?
  7. Do you get good grades in school?
  8. Do you speak German?
  9. Do you throw up on sight of something disgusting?
  10. How long have you gone without eating?

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