Would you survive Hunger Games Gotoquiz.com

This is my first quiz, and no I will not ask you in a question if you liked it. I don't know exactly if my results are accurate. I'm pretty sure they are though. I am open to any feedback or suggestions. Please answer all of the questions truthfully for the right result. Now... Let's get to it!

So you have been entered in the Hunger Games. Do you have what it takes to survive? Could you kill a 12 year old? Do you rely on strength or wits? To those of you who do not know what the Hunger Games is (GET OUT), it is a fight to the death between 24 tributes on live TV. To win, you need to have a variety of skills, charm, and of course, luck. So, without further ado, May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor.

Created by: Jenny Wren
  1. First things first... What district are you from? Choosing District 12 will not give you any advantage.
  2. Did you volunteer or were you selected?
  3. How did you react when you were reaped/ selected.
  4. You enter the train. What do you do?
  5. How are you built as a girl?
  6. How are you built as a boy?
  7. What is your weapon?
  8. Allies?
  9. Strategy for the interviews?
  10. Which is most important to you in training/ What would you do the most
  11. What will you do for the Gamemakers? (Help you to chose your training scores)
  12. What do you think your training score is?
  13. What is your strategy when the Hunger Games begin?
  14. This is my first quiz... Is this ok?Well, next question...You are there. In the arena. You are dressed in an orange tanktop and cargo pants. No shoes. The Cornucopia is platinum this year. All around you is hot black dirt. The sun is beating hot rays. It is about 80 degrees. In the distance behind you there are a few scraggly bushes, and behind them, a few trees. You can barely see a maze behind the Cornucopia. Knives are strewn about. There is a beach to your side. What do you do because the GONG RINGS... NOW!!! You...
  15. Lets say you played dead... And you survived. What do you grab?
  16. The arena turned Tundra. You've survived for a while, but you need supplies for the weather. There are 10 tributes left. Allies?
  17. The time is here. Do you go to the feast?
  18. You went to the feast. There is only one career left. (Are you that Career?) You got a hat, boots, and mittens, along with a really warm coat and pair of pants. You head back towards the woods, but hail stops you. Where do you go?
  19. The time has come. You head towards the maze. You have the weapon of your choice. There are only 5 others left. You hear a cannon. A person froze to death. Any allies you've had are dead. What do you do?
  20. Backtracking a little bit. Which of these are you most skilled at?
  21. How long do you think you could survive the wilderness?
  22. What are you best at?
  23. Lastly, do you think you would survive the Hunger Games? You know, THE ODDS ARE NEVER IN YOUR FAVOR!!!
  24. How old are you?
  25. I lied there are a few more questions. How attractive are you?
  26. You are in the Arena. What do you do after the bloodbath?
  27. Will you rely on sponsors?
  28. Which Hunger Games victor are you most like?
  29. Who was your favorite tribute from the Hunger Games
  30. Out of these choices, which people are your favorite?
  31. The Careers are following you. What do you do?
  32. What color are your eyes and hair?
  33. How fast are you?
  34. How strong are you?
  35. Have you enjoyed this quiz? Cause this is the last question.What would your talent be if you won the games?

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