How long would you survive The Hunger Games?

How long would you survive the hunger games? Imagine you're a teenager, just waking up on Reaping Day, and then BAM. You were chosen. You don't know how long you're gonna last.

The quiz will show you about when you will die in the hunger games. Or if you even will die... Take it, answer honestly, and don't complain if you die. About 95% of people will die.

Created by: bob
  1. What's your weapon of choice?
  2. What would you do at the Cornucopia?
  3. Can you climb?
  4. Can you swim?
  5. What would you do to get sponsors?
  6. Would you truce with anyone?
  7. How fast are you?
  8. What would be your tactic?
  9. Can you hunt for food?
  10. Are you okay with killing another human?
  11. How good is your weapon skill? (any weapon, whichever one you're best at)
  12. Have you ever almost starved?
  13. What would you do if you were in the middle of a forest fire?
  14. What landscape is best for you?
  15. If the careers asked to truce with you, what would you do?
  16. What would be the first thing you do, once you're out of the Cornucopia?
  17. What would you try to get from the Cornucopia?
  18. How strong are you?
  19. How smart are you?

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