Would You Survive Being Home Alone?

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This quiz is about if you could survive being home alone. Which means no pets, siblings, or parents. It will put your common sense to the test, just warning you. TIP: Don't use the stove/oven when you're home alone.

STORY: You and you're family were planning to go to Costa Rica for the winter. But when you woke up, you're parents must have forgotten you, because you were the only one in the house!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. You're pretty bummed that your parents forgot you, but that means you get whatever you want for breakfast! What do you get?
  2. After breakfast, you can either watch TV or play Xbox. Which one?
  3. After either playing Xbox, watching TV, or eating chocolate, you notice that the lights flickered. 30 minutes later, the power went out. What do you do?
  4. The power came back on in 2 hours, and you realize it's time for lunch. What do you eat?
  5. After lunch, you look out and see that it is snowing. You decide to wait for another 30 minutes for the snow to layer up. It snowed 5 inches! What do you do?
  6. After that, you are really craving some hot chocolate, but you realize that you're out of milk and hot chocolate packets. What do you do?
  7. After 4 more hours of Xbox, you start to get hungry for dinner. What do you make/get?
  8. Movie night!!! What flavor of popcorn?
  9. What movie rating is your movie?
  10. You are getting ready for bed. Where do you sleep?

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