Would you survive a zombie apocalypse

There many quizes for zombie survival but this one, this one is the best of all the ones that are on gotoquiz this one is the best to get prepard for a zombie apocalypse

Are you a master zombie killer well i am so if you want to become as good as me take this quiz and at the end of the quiz you will be chuck norris killing machine

Created by: Shawn
  1. Your on a street you see 5 functional vehecules wich one do you take
  2. Your surrounded by a group of walkers(zambies) what weapon would you use
  3. You see an abandoned store that looks like theres food in it what do you do
  4. What is the best way to kill a walker
  5. You see a group of survivers what do you do
  6. You see a walker on the road he seems dead and he has a gun in his hand what do you do
  7. Do you live close to a gun shop
  8. Do you live in a big city
  9. Were would you live
  10. Are you athletic
  11. Did you like this quiz

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