Would you survive a tsunami

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This quiz is about survival and if you don’t do well with pressure don’t do this quiz and I hope you enjoy but sometimes the results can be upsetting.

I don’t know what to write here so I’m going to write about my next quiz. I am probably going to do “would you survive a horror movie?” If I do check it out and if you think it’s good thank you!

Created by: Amber
  1. You see a tsunami coming fast towards you, do you run?
  2. You run but where to?
  3. You see your friend trapped under a rock do you help your friend?
  4. The tsunami gets bigger what do you grab?
  5. Did you ever experience a tsunami ?
  6. What’s the first thing you do if you see on the news there’s a tsunami in your area? ( your at home )
  7. What do you do during the tsunami ?
  8. What do you do after the tsunami?
  9. What is a tsunami?
  10. Did u enjoy this quiz?

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