Which Encanto Character Are You?

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Which Encanto Character are you? Well, everyone feel pressure, but the kind of pressure varies from person to person. The three Encanto sisters are great examples of the three most basic type of pressure you feel! Which one are you?

Your results will help you identify exactly what kind of pressure you are feeling and how to deal with it. Maybe I can help! Don't forget to comment your results and share!CHECK OUT MY PROFILE FOR OTHER QUIZZES!!!

Created by: cakes
  1. Which of the three Encanto sisters do you IMMEDATELY resonate with?
  2. What are your favorite color combinations out of the given options?
  3. Are you Introverted or more Extroverted?
  4. Which is your favorite season?
  5. Out of the given options, which is your favorite song?
  6. What color hair do you naturally have?
  7. Which of the elements most matches your energy?
  8. Which of the options is most appealing to you?
  9. What was/is your thing in school?
  10. Which genre is typically your favorite?
  11. Don't forget to comment your results and rate the quiz! Thanks! :D
  12. Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Encanto Character am I?
