Would you survive a nuclear war

There are many people who think they can survive a nuclear war but few actual survivors What is a survivor? A survivor is somebody who can survive the apocalupse

Are you a survivor can you survive the apocalypse? Do you have the brainpower and intelligence to survive a nuclear war Until now you had no chance of finding out but now you do

Created by: Ryan
  1. You hear the fallout siren what do you do?
  2. You see a mushroom cloud and a bright flash what do you do?
  3. You find a group of men women and children they have lots of water canned foods and weapons what do you do?
  4. You want to leave the bunker its been two months since the bombs dropped what do you do?
  5. You are taken to a Fema camp but you have to leave
  6. You and your expedition run into a group of bandits they demand all your supplies
  7. You become very sick from the fallout
  8. One of your group members finds a mall with a supermarket and a pharmacy
  9. You turn into the largest group in the country with 1682 members and you rule the country
  10. You change back to normal life what do you build first

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