can you survive a nuclear holocaust

a lot of people say that a nuclear attack is right around the corner. the pupose of this quiz is to see how well will you do when that fateful day comes around

this quiz consist of 12 moderatly easy questions about nuclear survival if you think you have what it takes come find out ( results of this quiz does not garuntee surivival)

Created by: brandis

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you wake and see on TV that a city near you has been nuked. you...
  2. the shelter is full...where do you go
  3. your an your wa to another safe zone when you see an incredibly bright flash in your rear view mirror(assuming you have a car) followed by a loud BOOM what do you do
  4. you survived the the initial blast but theres still the fallout to deal with you...
  5. you see survivors in the distance what do you do
  6. it starts raining black rain what do you do
  7. your starting to get hungry you see a dead rabbit in the distance you...
  8. do you have a plan in the event of a nuclear attack
  9. do you know what fallout is?
  10. are you ready to see your results

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Quiz topic: Can I survive a nuclear holocaust