would you rather ???

hello,i made this quiz because i love the game 'would you rather'. its a really fun game. i play it all the time. my friends and i love it. its really fun. everybody likes it. good bye.

so do you have what it takes to play would you rather. all you have to do is answer these questions. just rembember that you'll never have to do these things. bye. hope you have fun.

Created by: howya123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you rather...
  2. would you rather...
  3. would you rather...
  4. would you rather...
  5. would you rather
  6. would you rather...
  7. would you rather...
  8. would you rather...
  9. would you rather... (no effect)
  10. would you rather...

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