Would you make a good WoF SilkWing?

Do you think you’re a true Wings of Fire SilkWing? Take this test to find out! Make sure you don’t answer like a HiveWing or a LeafWing. Instead, think of what a SilkWing would say!

I wish you luck on becoming a true SilkWing! Answer honestly to see if you’re a SilkWing, or attempt to answer like a SilkWing would. Whatever you do, good luck!

Created by: Agent Bartowski
  1. What are your feelings on HiveWings?
  2. Can you be trusted?
  3. What’s your personality?
  4. Are LeafWings evil?
  5. What’s the best arc in your opinion?
  6. Do you own a servant?
  7. Where do you live?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. Which are the best tribe?
  10. Last question! Did you enjoy this quiz?

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