Would you make a good politician

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Many people follow politics, but few become actual politicians. It takes a certain kind of person to even want the job. But for those who do, it could be a rewarding career.

Are YOU meant to be a politician? Do you have the cunning to qualify for such a career? This quiz will help you sort it out, and by the end you will know if you would make a great politician.

Created by: Nina lee-simpson

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you have a interest in politics?
  2. Are you good at making promises but never quite getting round to keeping them?
  3. Can you take criticism well?
  4. Could you spend $50,000 dollars of somebody else's money on a one week trip to America?
  5. Are you happy to spend 8 weeks discussing a project that will never happen?
  6. Do you believe that your expense accounts should be at least as big as your salary?
  7. Do you believe that your expense accounts should be at least as big as your salary?
  8. Do you like power?
  9. Do you like wealth?
  10. Is it your desire to rule the people?

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