Would you like boba?

This is a quiz to help u know if you like boba enjjjjjjjjjjooooy your life.pleeeaaaseeee.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!,!,!,!,!;)!!!!!!! Byeeeeeooooooooeeeeeeeee

Jiberish warning: gwqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,hbubinnjnhuibhuuhbbhubbubbbbbggyggghh boooooooooohuhuhbbhubgggguyggguhh7bhbbhhhuhuhuhuhh ybhbggybyghhhhj

Created by: Boba girl
  1. Have you ever tried boba?
  2. Do you like sweet stuff?
  3. Do you like jelly ?
  4. Do u like asmr
  5. Would u mind popping bubbles in ur mouth?
  6. Do u like mogu?
  7. How do you feel about boba?
  8. Have u tried boba (no effect)
  9. Do u think u will like it?
  10. Boba is ……. For you.

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