Which Star Wars character are you?

Which one of the main members of team vader are you? Are you an adult or a child? To stop the evil tyranny of boba Fett and Finn? Let’s go and do it!!!!

Stop the evil tyranny of boba Fett and Finn and stop them for taking over the Galaxy! Are you ready? Go! Time for being a Jedi and Sith to stop boba Fett and/or finn’s rules forever!

Created by: Ao100909
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your worst nightmare?
  3. What car do you drive?
  4. Are you an adult or kid?
  5. What do you like?
  6. What is your favorite multiple of 11?
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. Parent or child?
  9. What TMNT character you like?
  10. Last question… who is your favorite transformers character?

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Quiz topic: Which Star Wars character am I?
