Would you get into Jade Mountain Academy?

Hi! Are you ready to find out whether you get into the great JMA? You will also find out about your winglet! This quiz is in roleplay, so answer how you or your OC would reply.

Try to answer how your OC or you would answer for the best and most accurate results. If you wish to leave a comment please keep in mind we all have feelings and I do not wish to be spammed with hateful or violent comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

Created by: Ivysong
  1. You approach JMA, Sunny: Hi I'm Sunny, the Founder of Jade Mountain Academy! Welcome!
  2. Sunny: What's your name? I'll take you to the office where the other dragonets are waiting. *walks to the office*
  3. Tsunami: Hello,*whispers to Sunny* what's their name again?Sunny:*whispers back to Tsunami* Y/NTsunami: Okay Y/N, listen up. Why are you applying to this school?
  4. Starflight: Can I ask a question? Okay so are you excited about school? What is your grade average?!
  5. Kinkajou: MY TURN!!!!!! Hi, it's SO nice to meet you Y/N we're gonna be best friends! Okay, who is the BEST queen?
  6. Sunny: Um okay then, Glory do you have a question?Glory: Yes. If you could be the queen of multiple tribes, what would you do?
  7. Winter: My turn. Okay Y/N whats your opinion on inter trible relation ships?
  8. Sunny: Um, okay Winter. Turtle how about you now?Turtle: ... okay. So ... if you had animus powers, and every time you used them you lost part of your soul, would you use it?
  9. Clay: Can I have a go?Sunny: Sure.Clay: Okay, whats your opinion on friends?
  10. Sunny: Umber, do you have a question?Umber: Yes. Whats your opinion on cow?Clay: Ooo. A hard one.*Glory face talons*
  11. Sunny: Moon it's your turn!Moonwatcher: Okay, Y/N what do you think of mind reading?
  12. Sunny: Do you wan't a go Quibli?Quibli: Sunny how bout you have your go first?Sunny: Thanks! Okay what are your thoughts on HUGS!?
  13. Quibli: Okay my turn. Is it okay not to be normal?
  14. Fatespeaker:*Leading Y/N out of the office* Those were some hard questions right?

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