Would you fight at the battle of Thermopylae as a spartan

Hi,my name is Fraiy,and i believe that some of us ,like me,still have an ancient warrior inside us.i made this quiz to help determine who is still ancient,and who is a modern softie.

If you happen to get the highest level of spartan on this quiz,don’t go starting fights cause you think your a real spartan.bullying is never right,i don’t care who you are.but keep fighting with fire,and maybe one day the ancient ways of the Spartans will return.enjoy the test

Created by: Fraiy
  1. Do you put others and your nation before yourself?
  2. Would you comb your friends hair,and wait for a brave death?
  3. Would you tie a stick engraved with your name so your bodie cold be identified after you die to your arm?
  4. Are you scared of close,deadly combat?
  5. Do you fear death
  6. What is your gender?
  7. Do yo have long or short hair?
  8. What would be your weapon of chiose?
  9. What is your favourite colour
  10. What would your last words to another soldier be?

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