Would you fail a test on Manitoba?

This is a quiz about Manitoba. It's pretty hard. If you want to find out whether you would flunk a test on Manitoba, this is the place to go. and you will find out, trust me.

Remember, this should only be a quiz for fun. Good luck. If you flunked, you can just come back and try again. It's really no big deal. Don't show this to your teacher.

Created by: Spider89
  1. Manitoba is in what country?
  2. Manitoba is a...
  3. Manitoba is one of the _______ in _______
  4. Many of this animal live in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba.
  5. Manitoba's official flower is the...
  6. Manitobas motto is...
  7. If you answered Glorius and Free, do answer number 2. One of Winnipeg's attractions is the longest running ___________
  8. Manitoba has thousands of...
  9. part of Manitoba is lush and green, part is...
  10. Hardest question. The coat of arms has what colour shield?
  11. Manitoba has rain forests all around it. True or false?

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