Should You Move to Utah?

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"Utah: the beehive state, the land of stunning national parks, the place where conservative politics reign supreme. If you're considering making Utah your new home, hold onto your britches, because this state is not for the faint of heart! From the high altitude, to the lack of diversity, to the intense summers and frigid winters, Utah isn't exactly a walk in the park.

But if you're looking for a place that's bursting with natural beauty, boasts a strong sense of community, and values hard work and family, well, Utah might just be the perfect fit for you. So, grab your hiking boots and your conservative values, and let's dive into the wild world of Utah living!"

Created by: doozey
  1. Do you need to move somewhere with a strong job market?
  2. How much money do you make a year?
  3. Do you use public transportation everywhere?
  4. Do you drink frequently?
  5. What is your political view?
  6. How important is diversity to you?
  7. Are you religious (specifically Mormon) or okay with religion everywhere?
  8. Does education matter to you?
  9. Do you do most your shopping on Sundays?
  10. Do you like cold winters and hot summers?
  11. Do you like National Parks and beautiful scenery?
  12. Can you survive in bad air quality with lots of inversions?
  13. Do you like winter sports?
  14. Are you okay being in a drought almost every year?
  15. How many people in your family will move to Utah with you?
  16. Do you need to be living near an ocean beach?
  17. Small town or big city?
  18. Do you need lots of walkability?
  19. Do you know what fry sauce is?

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Quiz topic: Should I Move to Utah?

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