Which one of my WW2 ocs are you?

Sillies! Made a quiz about the main characters in my oc lore, take the quiz and find our if you're either Nova, Rika, Akira, Torii, Melody or Er- no singing session!!!

!!! Controversial things, this is made for silly reasons to share with your friends, only 7 questions, i know you can do it! Put your opinions, what you would, do here and answer truthfully if you want an accurate result

Created by: Switztaly
  1. What is you're nationality :D
  2. You're in WW2 what type of person are you?
  3. Your country is ...
  4. You're in Germany during WW2 for some reason, you ...
  5. What flag seems to facinating to you?
  6. What do you do in ur free time?
  7. what person seems the most facinating to you?
  8. If you we're to be a soldier in ww2, what would you do?
  9. What swear word do you usually say?
  10. Ready?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my WW2 ocs am I?
